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Brothers Redevelopment staff take a break from their desks to spread smiles and fresh paint, transforming one homeowner’s house and brightening her community.

Edwina Davenport carefully watched her Aurora home get painted from the comfort of her own living room with a sense of gratitude and relief. Beside her, her daughter Brianna and granddaughter shared the moment, their faces beaming with appreciation for the volunteers from Brothers Redevelopment.

For Edwina and her family, this was more than just a fresh coat of paint. It was a renewed sense of pride in their home and a heartfelt reminder of the kindness and support from their community.

“This is phenomenal. This is amazing,” Brianna told CBS Colorado. “It just keeps (her mother), you know, so much longevity and it kind of puts a pep in her step.”

The Paint-A-Thon project was part of Brothers Redevelopment’s annual staff volunteer day, where our employees and Board of Directors came together to paint Edwina’s house, showcasing our commitment to making a tangible difference in the community. While our staff works every day to alleviate Colorado’s housing crisis and help those in need, the day gave them the opportunity to roll up their sleeves, work alongside each other, and make a difference in a hands-on way.

“I have done different types of volunteer work my whole life, and this sounded like it would be both fun and make a difference to someone’s life. Unlike many projects, you could see the results of your efforts at the end of the day,” said Julie Manning, tenant-landlord mediator for Brothers Redevelopment’s housing helpline, Colorado Housing Connects (1-844-926-6632).

“I did the Paint-A-Thon last year, so I came this year knowing what to expect. I was excited to see who would be there doing it too,” Manning added. “I feel satisfied and like we had done a really nice job at the end.”

So far this year, the Paint-A-Thon Program has painted 43 houses across the Denver metro area and in Colorado Springs. As we continue to celebrate one million volunteer hours through the program, we look forward to beautifying more homes and bringing community members together to make a difference in our neighborhoods.

“It is the one day out of our year where we get to put our action to our words. We talk about community building and preserving housing all year as we work in various program environments,” said Brothers Redevelopment Home Modification and Repair Department Director Jason McCullough. “This one day though, we get to go and take direct action to help someone stay in their home.”

“I love this event. The sense of accomplishment and gratitude for the opportunity to take part in this historic event is humbling,” he added.


After surviving a near-fatal accident caused by a drunk driver and enduring 47 surgeries, Janice Taylor’s (middle) journey to recovery culminated in a beautiful home transformation through the Paint-A-Thon Program. The house was painted by volunteers from Good Samaritan Hospital, the same place that helped Taylor recover from her injuries.

Longmont resident Janice Taylor vividly remembers the day her life dramatically changed almost 20 years ago.

Taylor, an avid outdoorswoman and passionate information technology analyst, was on a fly-fishing trip in Crested Butte. As she was gathering her fishing gear outside her vehicle, she suddenly heard screeching tires and saw a large, one-ton truck driving straight toward her. The driver, who was drunk, struck her with the vehicle, dragging her over 20 feet and through a barbed wire fence.

After paramedics helped dig her out from under the truck, Taylor was quickly transported to a medical facility and eventually flown to Good Samaritan Hospital. From then on, she began the long process of recovering from a shattered pelvis, broken legs, broken ribs, collapsed lungs, broken arms, brain injuries, internal bleeding, a broken back, and lacerations.

Fast forward through 47 surgeries and relearning how to do simple tasks like brushing her hair, and Taylor is walking again with a new outlook on life.

“Every morning that you wake up, you have a choice. You can have a positive attitude and give it your all, knowing it’s going to hurt — but tell yourself the pain reminds you that you are alive and fighting,” said Taylor. “Or, you can be miserable, do nothing, don’t try to improve, and make others around you miserable. Those are your choices, and I can tell you the being miserable one is much easier.”

“Life was a challenge then and still is in some ways. It’s much easier now than it was before, but it was a fight to get here,” Taylor continued. “My mother was an old, stubborn German woman, and I think I’m a lot like her. You never give up. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week, but it will happen if you keep at it.”

As Taylor gradually regained her independence, she faced another hurdle — the deteriorating condition of her home’s exterior. The cost of repainting seemed like an insurmountable obstacle until she was accepted for Brothers Redevelopment’s Paint-A-Thon Program.

Through the program, volunteers from Good Samaritan Hospital, the place that had witnessed Taylor’s long road to recovery, came together to revitalize her home this month. With each brushstroke, volunteers not only transformed Taylor’s house — they lifted her spirits.

“Intermountain Health Good Samaritan Hospital is on a Mission to help people live the healthiest lives possible. This extends beyond an acute care hospital stay,” said Alicia Harker, one of the volunteers who painted Taylor’s home. “Our caregivers partner organizations that address social determinants of health because we believe that when we improve the lives of those in our community, we decrease their risk of hospitalization. Housing is a fundamental need for everyone, and Brothers Redevelopment is an excellent partner for Good Samaritan Hospital as we both work together to attend to the whole person and promote and defend human dignity on the journey of improving overall health.”

“When I was contacted about the Paint-A-Thon, I couldn’t believe it. It was like a pinch-yourself moment,” said Taylor. “It’s completely overwhelming, and I don’t have words to say how grateful I am to each and every one of those people.”

Taylor has since enjoyed her freshly painted house and said she has received several compliments from her neighbors. She said the volunteers from Good Samaritan Hospital showed her a new way, and if she were physically able, she would be outside painting houses for the Paint-A-Thon.

“They came and gave me their time, company, and humor, and watching the camaraderie between them was a delight. It was kind of like extended family because I spent so much time at the hospital,” said Taylor. “I gained more than having my house painted. It was refreshing, and just having them here was wonderful.”



Mary Addington poses for a photo in her new chairlift. The chairlift in her garage allows her to access her vehicle, enabling her to visit friends, go to the grocery store, and remain independent.

For nearly 70 years, Mary Addington has lived in the same Colorado Springs neighborhood, experiencing both the highs and the lows.

11 years ago, Addington and her deceased husband were on vacation when they received a life-changing call from their daughter, informing them there was a fire in their neighborhood. That fire, later dubbed the Black Forest Fire, destroyed the Addington home and all the family’s belongings.

The Black Forest Fire was the most destructive fire in Colorado history at the time, burning through 14,280 acres and destroying at least 509 homes.

“I came home with three swimming suits and a few tops. That was all I owned,” said Addington. “My husband had his jeans and some shorts.”

The Addingtons rebuilt their lives and home, but the challenges didn’t end there. As the years passed, Addington’s mobility began to decline, making the simple act of navigating her home an uphill battle. That’s where Brothers Redevelopment stepped in.

Recognizing the need for support, Brothers installed two chairlifts in Addington’s home — one to help her enter her home from her garage and another that leads to the downstairs area of the house. These simple additions ensure that she can continue to live independently and safely.

“It’s like freedom, it’s like a new life. I was thinking of selling, and now I’m thinking I can stay here,” said Addington. “That’s what changed — I’m not having to look for another house.”

Today, Addington enjoys her newfound freedom. The chairlift in her garage allows her to access her vehicle, enabling her to visit friends, go to the grocery store, and remain independent. Having access to the downstairs area of her house allows Addington to prepare guest bedrooms when she has family visiting, access her freezer and furnace, and enjoy her movie collection.

“I was pretty much limited. I just didn’t go anywhere unless someone came with me to get me and to help me get back into the house,” said Addington. “That was my life.”


As we journey through 2024, the challenges facing renters in Colorado persist. In Denver, eviction filings continue to rise, adding to the strain on those relying on rental assistance. The impending conclusion of the Temporary Rental Assistance Grant in June also exacerbates the situation.

April witnessed a staggering 1,669 eviction filings, marking a 61% increase from the same month in 2023 and a 30% surge year-to-date compared to last year’s unprecedented highs. These figures paint a stark reality for Colorado families, grappling with soaring rents amidst stagnant wages.

Behind these alarming statistics are real people — Colorado families who are struggling to stay in their homes. To make sense of the state’s eviction challenges, Colorado Housing Connects (1-844-926-6632) Program Director Patrick Noonan gives a voice to those on the front lines of the housing crisis in this Q&A.

Read on to learn more about what Colorado Housing Connects is seeing in today’s rental market.

What are the biggest changes you’ve observed in the Colorado rental landscape this year?

In response to the pandemic, the federal government provided significant funding to create a safety net for Coloradans facing housing instability. As the federally funded pandemic relief programs have faded away, the State of Colorado and City and County of Denver stepped up with historic funding in 2024 to blunt mass evictions in the face of deep-rooted economic challenges that low- and moderate-income families continue to face. Sadly, even though Colorado and Denver have stepped up in this critical way, eviction filings repeatedly surpass last year’s record setting rates.

Since demand for help has only increased, rental assistance programs have had to triage volume and set more restrictions on applications. This includes prioritizing or requiring a court summons as well as restricting applications to a lottery-based system. While efforts to fund this crucial safety net are commendable, far too many families are still facing displacement due to eviction.

What seems to be the most pressing concerns or pain points currently facing renters in the state?

A few factors are converging at once to drive Colorado’s housing affordability crisis. Since the Great Recession, Colorado hasn’t built enough housing to keep up with the state’s needs. In the last nine years, the average rent rate in the Denver metro area has jumped 56% or about 6% per year. Low to moderate income families haven’t seen their wages

increase proportionally during that same period. They’ve also been burdened with higher prices due to inflationary pressures since the pandemic.

When you take high housing costs and combine them with the price of other necessities rising dramatically where wages haven’t kept up, you’ve got a perfect storm. The most pressing concern for renters in the state is a simultaneous lack of housing affordability and intense pressure on families’ budgets.

How are the current rental conditions impacting where Colorado renters choose to live, or their ability to find housing at all?

Unfortunately, we’re seeing too many families pushed to the margins due to Colorado’s cost of living. That could be parents and children sleeping in cars, people moving away from their communities and support networks, or people moving out of Colorado all together. Fortunately, there are more and more affordable housing units coming online each week and creative programs like home sharing that take advantage of existing housing stock to provide relief for cost burdened Coloradans.

Recent numbers from the Apartment Association of Metro Denver show that rent prices are remaining flat. What does this mean for renters? Are they feeling any relief in their housing costs?

We’re excited to see rents plateau in the first quarter of 2024. It will help ease the pain for renters that have experienced year over year rent increases. For far too many families, there isn’t enough breathing room after about a decade of rent jumps where their wages haven’t kept up.

What are your most significant concerns about the future of the rental market in Colorado?

The most concerning element of Colorado’s rental market is the wind down of the state’s Temporary Rental Assistance Grant Program.

Legislators allocated $30M of rent relief for struggling households to be spent during the first half of the year. So far, we’ve seen 2024 eviction filings surpass 2023’s record rates even with this significant assistance in place. What will happen when that funding dries up? Even if there is additional support through more rental assistance funding, will it be enough to drive eviction filings down? What is in store for Colorado’s most vulnerable households later this year when key safety net programs contract or evaporate?


Volunteers are the heart and soul of Brothers Redevelopment’s Paint-A-Thon Program. Our commitment to our neighbors and clients has always been fueled by the dedication of selfless volunteers who lend their time, skills, and hearts to make a difference. Thanks to their efforts, our beloved Paint-A-Thon Program is reaching an incredible milestone this year: one million volunteer hours over its 46-year history!

As we reflect on this milestone, it’s only right to shine a spotlight on the incredible individuals who exemplify the very best of Paint-A-Thon. On April 23, Brothers Redevelopment staff, supporters, and others gathered at Raices Brewing Company to celebrate and honor six organizations and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the program. These awardees embody the spirit of the Paint-A-Thon and have helped make a tremendous impact.

Read on to learn more about each of our awardees and discover why they believe volunteering for the Paint-A-Thon is such a worthwhile cause.

Lifetime Leaders: Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc, Chi Phi Chapter 

For nearly 40 years, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. has been volunteering in large teams with the Paint-A-Thon. That organizational commitment stems from the fraternity’s cardinal principle of uplifting others.

“That is truly what they do every year in the Paint-A-Thon — they enliven and inspire through incredible service with their neighbors,” said Brothers Volunteer Department Director Chad Nibbelink.

Brothers honored Omega Psi Phi Fraternity with a Lifetime Leaders ward, recognizing the 7,700 volunteer hours the fraternity has contributed to the Paint-A-Thon. Over the past 36 years, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity has painted 54 homes and touched the lives of so many homeowners in the community.

“For me and the brothers, the main thing that touches us is the faces and the smiles and that certain thing you can’t put a name on when the homeowner comes out and looks at the finished project and says, ‘my house looks fabulous,'” said Abel Coombs of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity. “That just goes straight to the heart.”

Brush of Service: Gina Koert, Shamrock Painting 

Gina Koert’s journey with the Paint-A-Thon began in 2022 when she participated in the Painting Contractors Association’s Paint-It-Forward program, a service aimed at giving back to the community.

Reflecting on her experience, Koert, president and owner of painting company Shamrock Painting, Inc. in Denver, shared, “I had such a good time, and it was so impactful that I then with my company have done it in the years since as a team-building event.”

Koert’s commitment extended beyond individual involvement as she volunteered alongside her family in Paint-A-Thon projects, including a memorable effort in 2023 where three generations of her family, all skilled in the painting profession, worked together to paint a home for a neighbor in need. Recognizing her outstanding dedication and service, Brothers honored Koert with the Brush of Service award.

“Gina jumped in with both feet and made an impact in a way that only she could. Gina is a force,” said Nibbelink. “When she believes in something, look out. Good things are going to get done.”

Koert views volunteering as a social responsibility that not only enriches the community but also fosters a deeper connection to it. She emphasized that the Paint-A-Thon leaves a lasting impact on the community, instilling a sense of ownership and pride among its clients.

“The Paint-A-Thon impacts the community just by the ownership. This is somebody’s space, it might be the only space they own, it’s that ownership pride, that integrity that you give back that they can be proud when they walk out of something,” said Koert. “That enrichment in whatever community in Denver we can contribute to I think has an incredible impact.”

City Impact: Denver Employee Volunteer Opportunities 

Over the past 20 years, employees from nearly every branch of the City of Denver have contributed some type of volunteerism to the Paint-A-Thon.

Volunteers have come from the Denver Public Library, the Denver Police Department, Denver City Council, and countless other city employees all wanting to make a difference in Denver. Since 2004, Denver Employee Volunteer Opportunities (DEVO) has given 15,000 volunteer hours to paint 135 homes for older adults in Denver through the Paint-A-Thon. That commitment and service is why Brothers honored DEVO with the City Impact award.

“Denver City and County employees genuinely care about their community, and we have seen this dedication firsthand,” said Nibbelink.

DEVO President Reid Matsuda believes volunteering is a commitment to the community and individuals receiving services through the Paint-A-Thon. He said that as a public servant, it’s important to not be defined by your job title — but rather to be defined by the impact you have in your community.

“Volunteering to me is that commitment to the community, to that individual. And you never really know how big of an impact you have until you see the outcome and see that real impact from that person,” said Matsuda. “That’s why I love to volunteer.”

Community Champion: Nicole Marquez, Huntington Bank 

Huntington National Bank Vice President and Community Development Relationship Manager Nicole Marquez was introduced to the Paint-A-Thon at a young age when her mother brought her along to volunteer for the program.

Since then, Marquez has grown into a champion for solving housing issues, particularly in Denver’s Westwood neighborhood where her family grew up at. At Huntington National Bank, Marquez has used her expertise and deep connections in the community to develop the organization’s service culture in a more profound way. For example, Marquez was the onsite team leader for three Huntington National Bank Paint-A-Thon projects in 2023, one of which took place in the Westwood neighborhood.

Marquez’s dedication to the community is admirable and the reason Brothers honored her with the Community Champion award.

“Her work reminds me of one of Brothers’ early slogans — helping people house each other. Nicole embodies this in the way she interacts with the community, her peers at Huntington, and in the initiatives she drives forward,” said Nibbelink.

Marquez said she believes the Paint-A-Thon impacts the community by maintaining home values in neighborhoods, providing aesthetically pleasing curb appeal, and most importantly, giving the homeowner a sense of pride.

“The most rewarding part of volunteering with the Paint-A-Thon event is really when our team is completely done painting the house, and we bring the homeowner out, and to really see the sheer joy on their face is priceless,” said Marquez.

Next Generation Catalyst: Jen Engquist, Service Learning Camps 

Service Learning Camps Area Coordinator Jen Engquist is highly gifted at setting up youth volunteer projects in a powerful and meaningful way.

Each year, she contributes to the Paint-A-Thon by gathering youth volunteers who make up 25% of Brothers’ volunteers in June and July. These volunteers are energetic and tackle some of the most unique Paint-A-Thon projects throughout the summer. But while volunteering is important, Engquist ensures that youth volunteers also understand what they are doing and more importantly, why their work is important.

Her influence and dedication to the Paint-A-Thon and the next generation of volunteers is why Brothers honored her with the Next Generation Catalyst award.

“Jen does such a great job of challenging youth to commit themselves to healthy service and be the ones to stand in the gap with those on the fringes of society. She models this with joy and enthusiasm,” said Nibbelink.

Engquist believes that it’s important for older adults to feel proud of the home that they’re in and to help neighbors maintain and stay in their home for as long as they can.

“I think that if we’re looking at investing in knowing our community in a meaningful way, working in a project like the Paint-A-Thon is a great, I hope introduction. I don’t think it’s the end of anything, I think it’s the beginning,” said Engquist. “Picking up that paintbrush is the beginning of a story we get to live out being good neighbors.”

Heartfelt Heroes: Atlas Real Estate 

It’s common for volunteers from property management company Atlas Real Estate to maintain relationships with Paint-A-Thon clients long after they’ve painted their houses.

During the fall, Atlas Real Estate has been known to rake the lawns of past Paint-A-Thon clients, deliver turkeys to them for Thanksgiving dinner, and even shovel their driveways during the winter, going beyond their initial commitment on Paint-A-Thon day.

It’s that commitment that truly embodies the spirit of the Paint-A-Thon and what it stands for. Beyond just a one-day event, it’s about fostering lasting connections and making a tangible, ongoing difference in the lives of our neighbors. Atlas Real Estate’s dedication to going the extra mile exemplifies the core values of community, compassion, and service that lie at the heart of the Paint-A-Thon Program.

It’s because of all these meaningful gestures and ongoing support that Brothers recognized Atlas Real Estate with a Heartfelt Heroes award.

“We have seen how Atlas team members engage in the community to repair, clean up, landscape and paint homes for older adults living on a fixed income both in Denver and Colorado Springs. Atlas Paint-A-Thon projects are full of fun, service, and camaraderie,” said Nibbelink. “We are inspired by how they approach his work holistically.”

Ryan Denison, General Manager of 3rd Party Property Management at Atlas Real Estate, highlighted the shared values between Brothers and Atlas Real Estate. With a mission to uplift humanity through real estate, Atlas Real Estate sees the Paint-A-Thon as closely aligned with their overarching goals. Denison emphasized that Atlas Real Estate actively engages in volunteer work year-round, striving to create a positive impact on community members whenever possible.

“There’s something about doing something for someone else that just leaves you feeling amazing and positive like you really produced something at the end of the day,” said Denison. “We do a lot of volunteer work, and I would say the Paint-A-Thon is the one I look forward to the most every year.”


Before suffering two traumatic brain injuries, Kenneth Stansberry, a resident of Valor on the Fax, worked in maintenance, paid his rent, and led a typical everyday life.

But after sustaining head injuries in a car accident and a separate incident, Stansberry lost his ability to work, ultimately resulting in the loss of his job and home. After living in a shelter, Stansberry eventually found hope at Valor on the Fax with the assistance of the Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado, who helped him secure housing in the community.

“Tears are rainbows of the soul when you’re happy to tears,” Stansberry shared with Bucket List Community Cafe, expressing his emotions upon being accepted into Valor on the Fax.

In the year since its opening, Valor on the Fax has symbolized more than mere housing to the individuals residing there — it embodies hope. This 72-unit supportive housing community, born from a partnership between Brothers Redevelopment and the Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado, stands as the first of its kind in the nation, designed specifically for residents with brain injuries and related disability.

Now, the impactful work of Valor on the Fax has garnered recognition, as it has been nominated for an Eagle Award from Housing Colorado — a non-partisan membership association dedicated to serving organizations and professionals in the affordable housing industry in Colorado.

The Eagle Award is one of the highest achievements for the Colorado housing community. It celebrates accomplishments and outstanding leadership in housing and support services and honors individuals, agencies, projects, and programs that soar to new heights in their work to ensure safe, fair, affordable housing for all Coloradans. Award winners will be announced at the end of the month.

“We are immensely proud of Valor on the Fax and its profound impact on the lives of its residents. Their stories of resilience and hope embody the essence of our mission at Brothers Redevelopment,” said Brothers President Jeff Martinez. “To be nominated for an Eagle Award reflects the dedication of our team and partners to create innovative solutions that address the diverse needs of our community, ensuring safe and affordable housing for all.”

In 2018, the city of Denver awarded Brothers the Valor on the Fax site at 7900 E. Colfax through a competitive request for proposal process to operate the community as permanent supportive housing. Known as PSH, permanent supportive housing is an intervention that aims to support the most vulnerable households, including those experiencing chronic homelessness, by offering permanent affordable housing units with access to wrap-around supportive services tailored to meet residents’ needs.

Valor on the Fax offers state of the art furnished apartments, indoor and outdoor amenity spaces, leasing offices, and service provision areas. The Brain Injury Alliance of Colorado provides comprehensive services on site to Valor on the Fax residents, including resource navigation, job training, and recreational and wellness activities. Meanwhile, Brothers manages the community and utilizes the first-floor commercial space to provide housing services to residents of the East Colfax neighborhood.

Valor on the Fax stands out as among the state’s most sizeable supportive housing communities to benefit from public funding. Key contributors include the City and County of Denver, Denver’s Department of Housing Stability (HOST), and the Colorado Division of Housing. Additionally, investments have been made by the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority and the Denver Housing Authority. Notable private contributions hail from Enterprise Housing Credit Investments, LLC, and ANB Bank, while philanthropic backing has been provided by Wells Fargo Bank. To learn more about Valor on the Fax, visit


Without the million hours our volunteers have poured into the Paint-A-Thon the past 46 years, homeowners like Paula Maloney wouldn’t have experienced the transformative impact of renewed hope and revitalized homes. And in some cases, like Maloney’s, they could’ve been left without a home.

Maloney is a single, 80-year-old woman living with a disability in her longtime Thornton mobile home. Her home is located at a major corner lot in a mobile home park and has been struck by two cars over the years. One of the accidents involved a drunk driver and knocked over a telephone pole which then penetrated the exterior wall of the home, nearly hitting Maloney while she slept.

Maloney was forced to pay for repairs for the damage the drunk driver caused at her home. But her problems with maintaining her home had just begun.

Her trailer park lot’s management office gave her an eviction notice telling her that she needed to paint the exterior of her home, do intense landscaping, clean up any junk, and fix broken skirting.

Feeling overwhelmed and with nowhere else to turn, Maloney learned about Brothers Redevelopment’s Paint-A-Thon program. After applying, her life changed when volunteers from Dordt University kicked off the 46th annual Paint-A-Thon in March at Maloney’s home. The group spent the day painting her house, trimming trees, cleaning gutters inside and out, carefully caulking any seams at risk of water damage, and helping clean up the exterior of the house.

“When you’re 80 years old, and you think that you’ll be evicted — yeah, it makes you feel very nervous. Just at the time I received the notice, (Brothers) reached out to me,” said Maloney. “It came together exactly at the right time.”

Stories like Maloney’s remind us of the incredible impact volunteers can have. It’s because of those million hours, given selflessly by countless individuals, that neighbors can remain in their homes, feel safe, and experience the joy of a revitalized space. Brothers is eternally grateful for everyone who has ever picked up a paintbrush, wielded a hammer, or lent a helping hand at the Paint-A-Thon.

“I just didn’t know what to do, and (I had) nowhere to go. You don’t know how grateful we are that you guys are doing this for us,” said Maloney.


As we joyfully celebrate the remarkable milestone of reaching one million volunteer hours for Brothers Redevelopment’s Paint-A-Thon, it prompts us to deeply reflect on the significance of this achievement.

This incredible feat is a testament to the unwavering dedication and effort of the thousands of volunteers and others who have contributed to the Paint-A-Thon in some type of way over its 46-year history.

But amidst our celebration, it also sparks our curiosity. What else could you achieve in a million hours? Undoubtedly, a million hours represents a vast amount of time (equivalent to over 114 years!). So, we decided to do some good ole research.

Here is a breakdown of other things in life you can do in a million hours’ worth of time.

Train for the Olympics 

Olympic athletes don’t just compete in their respective sport — they live it and dedicate most of their life trying to work toward winning a gold Olympic medal. While there isn’t a specific schedule each athlete follows, due to factors based on the sport, there is an average spent on training.

According to a 2008 article in Forbes, it’s common for Olympic athletes to spend four to eight years training in a sport before making an Olympic team. Simone Biles, a decorated American gymnast, trains for 32 hours a week with one day off. Meanwhile, other athletes like former American swimmer Michael Phelps, said he practices every day in the pool for three to six hours and does separate exercises on dry land four to five days a week.

Outside of training, Olympic athletes prepare for competition by getting their bodies enough rest, eating the right food, and mentally preparing for athletic events.

Olympic training is a non-stop job. And with a million hours, you could master multiple sports, become an elite athlete, and maybe. Just maybe. Achieve Olympic glory.

Learn a new language… or several languages 

Learning a new language is a difficult task and involves several factors like one’s aptitude and the time spent on practicing and using the language.

Native English speakers may require less time to learn languages like French, Portuguese, Italian and Spanish. But more time is likely needed to learn other languages like Arabic, Japanese, or Korean, according to Language Testing International.

Native English speakers can learn languages like French or Spanish in about 24 to 30 weeks to gain “Professional Working Proficiency,” according to the Foreign Service Institute — the U.S. government’s foreign affairs training provider. Other languages like German or Indonesian require about 900 class hours to achieve professional working proficiency, while languages like Greek, Hindi, and Russian take about 1,100 class hours.

With a million hours, think of all the different languages you could learn!

Explore every country in the world 

The United Nations recognizes 195 countries and territories around the world. Think of all the different cultures, people, and food you could experience if you just had the time to travel to each of those places and immerse yourself in the regions.

Only around 250 people have visited each country, according to an article by CNBC. Most recently, Drew Binsky joined that exclusive club by taking 1,458 flights and 1,117 buses and trains to travel to every country in the world.

Binsky said he stayed in each country for about a week. But if you had a million hours to kill, you could extend your visits and really soak in what each country has to offer.

Become a true expert in whatever you want 

There’s a popular concept suggesting that it takes 10,000 hours to become a world-class expert in a subject.

Imagine what a million hours unlocks. It’s the difference between playing the piano and performing in concert halls, between coding websites and creating revolutionary software. A million hours would allow you to delve into the intricacies of your chosen field, innovate and become a beacon of knowledge and skill. With that much time, you might even master multiple disciplines, leaving an enduring mark in several areas!

Read an entire library (or two!) 

With a million hours, you would have the gift of time to absorb countless stories, ideas, and histories.

The average person reads about 200-400 words per minute. Let’s assume a conservative 250 words per minute… That’s 15,000 words per hour. Even a modest sized library with 50,000 books (and an average of 300 pages per book) suddenly becomes a conquerable challenge.

Now, imagine tackling libraries with hundreds of thousands of volumes, or even the Library of Congress — which is home to 164 million items. You could become a walking encyclopedia and carry the wisdom of generations within you!






Rick Tenorio, left, poses for a photo with his son at a Paint-A-Thon project site. Rick Tenorio embodies the spirit of community service through his dedicated volunteer work with Brothers Redevelopment’s Paint-A-Thon.

His journey began with a serendipitous encounter, spurred by a social media post from his college acquaintance, Brothers President Jeff Martinez. Since then, Tenorio has become an integral part of the Paint-A-Thon, contributing his time and effort to multiple projects.

Over the years, Tenorio has participated in seven Paint-A-Thons, with his most recent involvement being alongside his employer, Canvas Credit Union. Reflecting on his experiences, Tenorio recounted a moment with a homeowner during the last Paint-A-Thon project he participated in.

“The homeowner was homebound, and she lived in a trailer. We repainted her whole house, and at the end of it, she was just so appreciative,” said Tenorio. “You could see that it gave her pride to be able to show off her newly painted residence.”

Volunteering for the Paint-A-Thon fills Tenorio with a sense of gratitude and accomplishment. He acknowledges the privilege of being able to help those in need and takes pride in the tangible difference Canvas Credit Union makes together as a team. For Tenorio, the most rewarding aspect is not just the completion of the project but also the opportunity to connect with people and witness their happiness firsthand.

“The older people, especially the homebound, tend to have houses fall into disarray. The idea of just helping them fix that up, knowing that they can’t do it themselves — the whole community feels that. They can see that there isn’t just one house that stands out needing repairs,” said Tenorio.

For those considering volunteering with Brothers, Tenorio offers reassurance and encouragement. He emphasizes that while the work may be physical, it is immensely fulfilling. Each project is an opportunity to make a meaningful difference in someone’s life and to experience the joy of giving back to the community.

As we celebrate one million Paint-A-Thon volunteer hours this year, we will continue to spotlight volunteers like Tenorio, whose contributions make our work possible. Keep an eye out for upcoming volunteer highlights.



Christina Morales, a Housing Navigator with Colorado Housing Connects, assists a Denver resident with rental assistance applications at the Denver City and County Building. Every week, she’s there to be a lifeline for those facing eviction.

Christina Morales possesses the knowledge and firsthand experience necessary to offer essential services and resources to callers facing eviction through Colorado Housing Connects (1-844-926-6632).

Morales, employed as a housing navigator at Colorado Housing Connects, assists Coloradans in accessing vital eviction prevention resources. With personal experience navigating eviction struggles and affordable housing challenges, she empathizes with those facing similar situations.

In 2019, her husband passed away after suffering from a brain aneurysm, forcing her to move in with her son so that she could afford housing. But when the COVID-19 pandemic started, Morales’ son had to stop working to take care of her grandson because daycares were closed.

At that time, Morales supported her son and grandson with her income — but when she caught the virus, she couldn’t work for weeks. Although she applied for rental assistance and communicated her situation to her landlord, she was evicted in the end, despite an eviction moratorium being in place at the time.

“I see myself going through it again and again and again. It’s part of a healing process,” said Morales. “It’s not okay what I went through, but I learned from it. I learned that I’m human, and life isn’t always easy. I learned to move forward and to not be discouraged and hard on myself.”

To get by after being evicted, Morales, her son and grandson moved in with her daughter in a one-bedroom apartment. Morales slept on a mattress in the kitchen of the apartment for three months until she was finally able to find affordable housing in Aurora. And thankfully, she was able to work with an attorney to get her eviction overturned.

Today, Morales continues her mission of assisting those in housing crises from a new vantage point. When she isn’t working with clients in a housing crisis over the phone, she is working at the courthouse at the Denver City and County Building, helping individuals access rental assistance when facing eviction. Furthermore, Morales has become a vocal advocate for housing rights, leveraging her experiences to champion fair and accessible housing opportunities.

“I don’t want anyone to go through what I went through. I can feel my clients’ pain,” said Morales. “Some people like me are broken, and we want to help others with whatever they are going through and give them resources and hope.”

Outside of her work with Colorado Housing Connects, Morales has testified before the Colorado Senate — recently in favor of HB 24-1098 — also known as For Cause Eviction. If the law is passed, tenants could continue to rent a property as long as they are paying on time and staying in compliance with other rules in their lease.

In 2022, Morales was also chosen by United for New Economy, a Colorado nonprofit that focuses on racial and economic justice, to travel to Washington, D.C., and share the plight of struggling renters during the National Multifamily Housing Council’s annual conference. She and other UNE represented marched in the streets outside the conference, staged peaceful demonstrations in the lobby, and walked through the doors of the conference to share their experiences on a stage.

Morales embodies resilience and compassion as she tirelessly assists individuals grappling with housing crises through her role at Colorado Housing Connects. Drawing from her own experiences of overcoming eviction and housing instability, Morales brings empathy and understanding to her work, providing crucial support to those in need. Her story demonstrates the importance of accessible housing and the lasting impact that eviction can have.

“Colorado Housing Connects is a great resource for people that are facing evictions or a housing crisis. We have the tools and the resources to help those in need — that’s why I love working here,” said Morales.

2250 Eaton St., Suite B,
Denver, CO 80214

Main Phone Number: 303-202-6340
CHC Phone Number: 844-926-6632
Brothers Property Management:
TTY 711

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