Samantha Penry’s year got off to a rocky start when her landlord notified her that her lease wouldn’t be renewed at the home she has lived at for five years.
Penry was given a 30-day notice to vacate by her landlord and was suddenly facing the daunting prospect of homelessness. As a single mother of five children, the weight of the situation was particularly heavy, and Penry found herself navigating a landscape of uncertainty and fear.
“I was kind of like wow shoot, I’ve been here for five years and now have 30 days until I have to get out. I didn’t know where we were going to live,” said Penry. “It was very stressful, especially with being a single mom. You can’t just find somewhere affordable and be able to relocate on a drop of a dime. It’s scary.”
Amidst the turmoil, Penry reached out to Colorado Housing Connects (1-844-926-6632) for assistance. Through a referral from her child’s school liaison, Penry connected with Colorado Housing Connects Housing Navigator Christina Morales, who swiftly responded to her needs and provided valuable resources and support.
“She was sending me resources on who had openings as far as units available and what not. And she sent me the information for the townhouse we just got approved for,” said Penry. “I reached out right away. It was a blessing.”
The news of approval for the townhome came as a wonderful surprise for Penry and her family, she said.
“It was a major stress relief. No parent wants to think about sleeping in the car with their kids,” said Penry.
As Penry and her children look to the future, she encourages others facing similar challenges to reach out to reach out to resources like Colorado Housing Connects that provide support. The family’s story is a testament to the impact of Colorado Housing Connects and the power of stable housing.
If you or someone you know is facing an uncertain housing situation, reach out to Colorado Housing Connects at 1-844-926-6632 or by visiting coloradohousingconnects.org.