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Rediscovering Freedom: Mary Addington’s Journey to Independence with Brothers Redevelopment

May 30, 2024 by Joseph Rios0
Mary Addington poses for a photo in her new chairlift. The chairlift in her garage allows her to access her vehicle, enabling her to visit friends, go to the grocery store, and remain independent.

For nearly 70 years, Mary Addington has lived in the same Colorado Springs neighborhood, experiencing both the highs and the lows.

11 years ago, Addington and her deceased husband were on vacation when they received a life-changing call from their daughter, informing them there was a fire in their neighborhood. That fire, later dubbed the Black Forest Fire, destroyed the Addington home and all the family’s belongings.

The Black Forest Fire was the most destructive fire in Colorado history at the time, burning through 14,280 acres and destroying at least 509 homes.

“I came home with three swimming suits and a few tops. That was all I owned,” said Addington. “My husband had his jeans and some shorts.”

The Addingtons rebuilt their lives and home, but the challenges didn’t end there. As the years passed, Addington’s mobility began to decline, making the simple act of navigating her home an uphill battle. That’s where Brothers Redevelopment stepped in.

Recognizing the need for support, Brothers installed two chairlifts in Addington’s home — one to help her enter her home from her garage and another that leads to the downstairs area of the house. These simple additions ensure that she can continue to live independently and safely.

“It’s like freedom, it’s like a new life. I was thinking of selling, and now I’m thinking I can stay here,” said Addington. “That’s what changed — I’m not having to look for another house.”

Today, Addington enjoys her newfound freedom. The chairlift in her garage allows her to access her vehicle, enabling her to visit friends, go to the grocery store, and remain independent. Having access to the downstairs area of her house allows Addington to prepare guest bedrooms when she has family visiting, access her freezer and furnace, and enjoy her movie collection.

“I was pretty much limited. I just didn’t go anywhere unless someone came with me to get me and to help me get back into the house,” said Addington. “That was my life.”

For News and Media Contact:

Joseph Rios


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