If you’ve ever played the wine toss at Brothers Redevelopment’s annual Local Social fundraiser and walked away with bottles of wine, chances are those bottles were coordinated and donated by Ondrea Matthews.
For the past 20 years, Matthews has been involved with Brothers Redevelopment’s mission in one way or another — whether it’s donating cases of wine, serving on the Local Social Planning Committee or even volunteering for the Paint-A-Thon.
She was first introduced to the organization through the Rocky Mountain Risk and Insurance Management Society, which advances the risk management profession and has sponsored the Paint-A-Thon Program for several years. After learning about the Paint-A-Thon, Matthews discovered a cause that aligns with her personal values: everyone should have access to affordable housing and take pride in their home.
Since then, Matthews has become a vital volunteer for Brothers Redevelopment, playing a key role in raising funds for the Paint-A-Thon for the Local Social.
“I feel like everyone needs dignity and if we can help give them that dignity, whether it’s through finding housing or continuing their housing or offering them food in a way they have say in, I think it can really help bring a person up as opposed to knocking them down,” Matthews said.
In recognition of her dedication, Brothers Redevelopment honored Matthews with the Roland Buteyn Heart of Service Award at the Local Social event in September — the highest honor a Paint-A-Thon volunteer can receive. The award is named after Roland Buteyn, who helped develop many of our core programs, including the Paint-A-Thon and Home Modification and Repair departments.
Although this is the seventh year Roland is not with us to help present his award, his legacy lives on through the programs he created and people like Matthews who generously serve through Brothers Redevelopment.
“When (Brothers Redevelopment Volunteer Manager Jason Stutzman) called to tell me, I was like, ‘Are you sure? Why me?’ I love contributing, and I would never view it as enough to be recognized for an annual award,” Matthews said. “But to be put in the same realm as past winners and someone like Roland, who dedicated his entire life to service — it’s what I can only aspire to be.”
Matthews’s involvement with Brothers Redevelopment runs deep, shaped not only by her passion for volunteering but also by personal experiences. When her mother-in-law suffered a severe fall and broke her pelvis, Brothers Redevelopment’s Home Modification and Repair Program provided vital support by installing grab bars in her bathroom, ensuring her safety and peace of mind.
Outside of her involvement with Brothers Redevelopment, Matthews serves as the Senior Director of Risk Management and Benefits for CoorsTek, Inc. She and her husband, Mike, have been married for 21 years, and their son, Ethan — who also volunteers alongside her — is a freshman at Colorado State University.
Volunteers like Matthews are the heart of Brothers Redevelopment, and we couldn’t be more grateful for her dedication and support!